Unique Investments Hedge Fund Management

Quality Investments Managed Risk

Unique Investments & Fintech LP is a hedge fund specializing in the Israeli Capital Markets. Our fund strives to maximize returns for our clients while managing risk.

Our investments are managed by an experienced team with proven trading strategies that exploit opportunities in all market conditions.

Unique Investments & Fintech LP and Unique Investments & Fintech (L.B.) acting GP were founded by JLT Investments LTD and Barak Capital in 2022


Managed by a team of highly skilled and experienced investment managers with proven track records in all market conditions.


We identify investment opportunities, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches and exploit them with quick execution.

Unique Investments Hedge Fund Management
Unique Investments Hedge Fund Management


Risk is monitored at all times, taken into account with every investment decision, making sure the fund's exposure is hedged.


We believe in a collaborative approach emphasizing teamwork, customer attentiveness and building long term relationships with our investors

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